Don’t let ego ruin your life

It’s quite common for us to feel that others are attacking us verbally or mentally and we feel a strong impulse to give them back what we think they deserve. We are quick to name who the culprit for our life situation is, or perhaps even a legion of culprits. What if I told you that the culprit is your ego and not the other person?

I can almost hear your ego getting its ammunition ready screaming it is them, it’s not me! Let me assure you that reactive behavior is always from your ego. It is not about what other people do to you. As long as they can get an emotional reaction from you, it is about you and your responsibility. Many people live with oceans of bitterness and resentment towards others and cannot understand why they always have to be the victim.

The good news is you don’t have to be your ego. In fact you are not what the ego claims you to be. As the Course in Miracles teaches, you have created your ego and it’s your responsibility to stop it’s control over you. It’s about regaining your freedom and remembering who you truly are when all the illusions of possessions and manipulative living are no longer blind sighting you. 

You are just as important as everybody else on this planet. Your earthly possessions, physical appearance or opinions don’t make you any better than a person whom you consider your opposite. You are both one although it may be difficult at first to accept. You and your opposite have different lessons in life but it doesn’t make you any better or worse. Letting go of comparing yourself to others is a major task when trying to face the lies your ego has been telling you all these years. It requires daily monitoring of thoughts to stop mentally attacking other people by comparing them to you. You don’t even have to say anything to criticize another human being, your thoughts are enough to cause harm. When you notice yourself comparing your appearance to others or judging another human being, stop the thought and let it disappear from your consciousness. I find it useful to sometimes apologize on thought level and then let it go. I can assure you, this task alone will require hard work from you on daily basis. At first, it may not even be easy to notice comparing and judging thoughts because they have become so automatic. 

It is of utmost importance though to stop attacking others on thought level. People sense your judging energy and you attract similar energy towards yourself meaning other people judge and criticize you more than they would have if you had not attacked anybody on thought level. It’s very simple law of attraction. You get what you give. When you start making progress reducing the judging thought both towards yourself and others you will gradually notice that all your interactions will people become more positive. When you stop attacking on thought level, people will show more loving acts of kindness towards you. Now isn’t that a much more appealing of an existence than where you were before? 

It is not realistic to expect all negative egocentric thought to vanish even after you get more skilled in stopping the negativity. You have to remember to be kind towards yourself and the continuous mistakes that we do. The universe will notice the difference in our intention and actions and will reward you with kinder experience of life. Remember to be appreciative and thankful to all the gifts that change in your thoughts and actions bring.  


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Ego is the judge

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