Loosening the grip of ego

Majority of your thoughts originate from the ego as harsh as that may sound. Only when you begin to practice mindfulness or other forms of meditation you will find what it feels like to be without your ego, even for just a moment in the beginning. Those moments will eventually expand and you will learn to differentiate the voice of your inner being from the voice of your ego. If you have never tried meditation before I highly recommend reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle who is one of my all time favorites when it comes to eliminating the power of ego plays in our lives. Meditation may sound like a difficult or strange task if you are not yet familiar with spiritual development but well worth it. To me meditation has been the most powerful tool to combat the ego. 

In my meditations I’ve learnt that heaven is a place where ego cannot exist. If you can reduce your ego gradually with your spiritual work you will indeed experience heaven on earth. In fact in my meditations I’ve also learnt that we live in a multi-dimensional space which is organized by the type of energy we live in. People who live with heavy ego issues, experience hell on earth. Hell as most of us think as a fiery pit where bad people end up when they die, doesn’t really exist or I should say it only exists in our ego. And ego is something that we have made. It’s a valuable tool to learn about life but many people are stuck in various levels of their egoistic hell. 

The most important decision in our life is choosing life which means bye bye ego. It’s easy to say but for most of us destroying the ego or what many kabbalists call satan is the hardest thing you will ever do in your lifetime. Luckily it is gradual, meaning you will feel steps closer to heaven on earth when you progress a step. You can think of the ego as a set of vails that prevent you from seeing the beauty of sunlight on a beautiful summer day. First you may just see a gray day even though you’ve been told it’s a sunny day. Maybe you are looking at the world behind the veil of depression. Gradually the darkness of depression’s veil softens and finally lifts and you feel a step closer to the heaven on earth, a beautiful summer day. Then you have more power to work on the next veil, maybe a veil of bitterness, anger or guilt. This all takes tremendous amounts of work but after each step you feel lighter. You can almost smell the green grass and feel the warmth of the sunshine on your skin. You are rewarded for your efforts every step of the way. Maybe in your lifetime you will wake up to a day when you no longer feel that the ego is waking up with you that you are finally one with inner self.  

The Course in Miracles which I highly recommend for the path of reducing the power of your ego reminds us that not only is ego doing damage to ourselves, but through the deceptive powers of the ego you have also managed to lock your close relationships to the shackles of your ego. You have used them as a tool for your ego to make yourself appear stronger and better. Ask yourself, do they only know your ego or do they know the real you? Are they in your life to make you feel more beautiful, provide you a rich lifestyle or make you look successful in the eyes of other egos. You will never find true love in a relationship that is a based on egos rather than the real you. 

Ego can sabotage your life in many ways. Ego makes you fear true love because love can be the end of the ego. This can lead into many things one of which is trying to make us physically undesirable (in ego’s mind). For example, if you are struggling to keep yourself at a healthy weight ask yourself what is sabotaging you? Is the voice of your ego prompting you to eat more in the hopes of making you feel unlovable and therefore not having to take a risk? Of course you are never unlovable based on physical appearance but it is the ego that whispers in your mind that your body is too big to be desirable and when you feel unwanted you are in the hands of your ego. Ask yourself these questions in meditation and you might find surprising insights about yourself and your life. 


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